Kotak Mutual Fund's equity fund manager, said Pankaj Tibrewal FII selling in December, but the increase is kept for DII market through its purchase. The same trend has continued in January. This time some bad news from global markets, such as the slowdown of China's markets, European markets, unstable gait, Fed rate likely to rise in the US markets, as Based on this, the market seemed to be coming is even greater instability. Although many domestic figures are good, such as improving infrastructure sector, road construction boom, increasing the scope of Financial Inclusion, a reduction in inflation to accelerate economic macro data may work.
The third quarter of fiscal year 2016 do not seem to be anything special, but some consumer companies are good because of the outcome of the Diwali season. Fourth-quarter results are expected to be good. The decline in commodity prices, investors suffered much from the decline of crude oil is also good for India. Through this country's fiscal deficit and current account deficit has narrowed. Right now these deficits in the budget figures will improve the market will support.
If there is less global instability rather good earnings in the country's chances will be seen paired. This time, auto, capital goods, cement sector are bullish on the shares of these sectors can be seen. If shopping is increasing in many places, the government will be seen in economic benefit. At this time, the portfolio of urban demand sectors such as the 4-wheeler, 2 wheeler auto stocks may rise. Private banks and NBFC's shares may be.
Real estate is not the opinion of shares and select pharma stocks can be good regulatory issues which are not dominating. It is the opinion of Ikwlvet sectors.
The third quarter of fiscal year 2016 do not seem to be anything special, but some consumer companies are good because of the outcome of the Diwali season. Fourth-quarter results are expected to be good. The decline in commodity prices, investors suffered much from the decline of crude oil is also good for India. Through this country's fiscal deficit and current account deficit has narrowed. Right now these deficits in the budget figures will improve the market will support.
If there is less global instability rather good earnings in the country's chances will be seen paired. This time, auto, capital goods, cement sector are bullish on the shares of these sectors can be seen. If shopping is increasing in many places, the government will be seen in economic benefit. At this time, the portfolio of urban demand sectors such as the 4-wheeler, 2 wheeler auto stocks may rise. Private banks and NBFC's shares may be.
Real estate is not the opinion of shares and select pharma stocks can be good regulatory issues which are not dominating. It is the opinion of Ikwlvet sectors.
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